Health & wellbeing
Get health information in Scotland
Find out how to register with a GP or register with a dentist on the website.
Find accurate and up to date information health information, including information about coronavirus, on the NHS Inform website. NHS Inform is part of NHS 24.
NHS Inform also create health information videos. They have subtitles and are translated by a BSL Interpreter (‘signer’).
Video call appointments
You can use Near Me to arrange secure video call appointments with health and social care services.
Find out what Near Me is and how to use Near Me.
NHS apps
The NHS Apps Library also has a list of NHS apps. Apps are tools that make things like shopping, watching videos and online banking easier to do.
Many of the apps in the NHS library are free and you can search them by category.
Mental health
Find information about getting support to take care of your mental health on
The Scottish Government’s Clear your Head website also has practical tips on how to cope with stress, pressure and anxiety during coronavirus.
A Local Information System for Scotland (ALISS) provides information about mental health support services in your local area.
BT and ITV have produced a video on how to stay happy and health at home.
Universal Credit Helper is a step-by-step guide for completing a Universal Credit claim. It was created by Hyde Housing, with support from Catalyst and the National Lottery Community Fund.
Citizens Advice Scotland offer online advice and information on employment, housing, debt, benefits and consumer issues like energy bills. You can also get free, confidential and independent advice in your area by contacting your local Citizens Advice Bureaux.
Money Map: Citizens Advice Scotland’s Money Map will help you find sources of online support to: increase your income, reduce your bills, and ease the costs of daily living.